Get Involved in Transportation Planning
The Walla Walla Valley MPO/SRTPO is regularly looking for transportation providers and community members to provide feedback about transportation planning activities in the region. There are several ways for you to get involved...
- Provide feedback on planning documents
- Attend a Policy Board or Technical Advisory Committee meeting
- Participate in a public meeting
- Complete a transportation survey
Contact us for more information about getting involved!
If you would like to stay informed of activities through our email distribution lists, please send your request to a staff member and let us know what list(s) you would like to join. Distribution lists currently include the following areas:
If you would like to stay informed of activities through our email distribution lists, please send your request to a staff member and let us know what list(s) you would like to join. Distribution lists currently include the following areas:
- Public involvement opportunities
- Human Services Transportation Coalition (HSTC)
- Policy Board & Technical Advisory Committee monthly meetings (always open to the public)